1 | Immunohistochemistry, Quality Control, and Principles of Validation in the Central Nervous System | 2ᵒ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Velasco-Vales V., Cuesta-Mejías T.C., Padrón-Pérez N.C. | 2022 | Methods in Molecular Biology | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-85120863209
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2 | Malignant paraganglioma (multiple, multicentric and metastatic) in a female patient with family history of paraganglioma [Paraganglioma maligno (múltiple, multicéntrico y metastásico) en una paciente con historia familiar de paraganglioma | Coautor: Soria Céspedes D.R., Cobos González E., Aragón López J.A., de la Rosa Abaroa M.A., et al. | 2015 | CIRUGIA ESPANOLA | WoS-id: 000364811800008 Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84946496920
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3 | Erratum to "triple-negative breast cancer metastases to the rectum and subcutaneous tissue" [Fe de errores de "metástasis al recto y tejido celular subcutáneo por cáncer de mama triple negativo"] | Coautor: Soria-Céspedes D., Serrano-Olvera J.A., Zempoalteca-López A.M., Pérez-Gallardo C.C., et al. | 2015 | GACETA MEXICANA DE ONCOLOGIA | WoS-id: 000421601300008 Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84950104512
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4 | Primary pleural hybrid cellular schwannoma/perineurioma: A case report | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Robles-Vidal C., Gómez-González A., Peñaloza-Ramírez R., et al. | 2014 | Respiratory Investigation | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84903771540
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5 | Immunohistochemical expression of CD117 (C-kit) in 75 cases of renal cell tumors [Expresión inmunohistoquímica de cd117 (C-kit) en 75 tumores de células renales] | Coautor: Soria-Céspedes D., Aguilar-León D., Aguilar-León D., Ángel-Millán G.D., et al. | 2014 | GACETA MEDICA DE MEXICO | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84922311072
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6 | Triple-negative breast cancer metastases to the rectum and subcutaneous tissue [Metástasis al recto y tejido celular subcutáneo por cáncer de mama triple negativo] | Coautor: Soria-Céspedes D., Serrano-Olvera J.A., Zempoalteca-López A.M., Pérez-Gallardo C.C., et al. | 2014 | GACETA MEXICANA DE ONCOLOGIA | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84946727044
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7 | Oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma metastatic in cervical lymph nodes associated with subtypes 16 and 45 of human papillomavirus (HPV). Clinical, morphological and molecular study of two cases [Carcinoma epidermoide orofaríngeo metastás | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Aguilar G.C., Lara-Torres C.O., Sánchez-Marle J.F., et al. | 2013 | GACETA MEDICA DE MEXICO | WoS-id: 000330313800012 Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84890446848
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8 | Primary Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma of the Tonsil: Immunohistochemical and Molecular Study of a Case and Review of the Literature | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Galván-Linares A.I., Oros-Ovalle C., Gaitan-Gaona F., et al. | 2013 | HEAD & NECK PATHOLOGY | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84886750887
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9 | Polypoid and hyperplastic heterotopic gastric mucosa in the jejunum as a cause of recurrent subocclusive episodes | Coautor y autor de correspondencia: Soria-Céspedes D., Martínez A., Decanini-Terán O. | 2013 | Annals of Gastroenterology | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84875982074
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10 | [Ileocolic intussusception in an adult caused by inverted Meckel's diverticulum]. [Intususcepción ileocólica en un adulto causado por divertículo de Meckel invertido.] | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Leuchter-Ibarra J., Ventura-Molina V., Mora-Constantino J. | 2012 | REVISTA DE GASTROENTEROLOGIA DE MEXICO | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84891642327
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11 | Gastric duplication cyst. A case report [Quiste de duplicación gástrica. Informe de un caso] | Coautor y autor de correspondencia: Soria-Céspedes D., Navarrete-Pérez J.J., Cravioto-Villanueva A. | 2012 | Revista Espanola de Patologia | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84859440878
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12 | Nontraumatic splenic pseudocyst. Case report | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Leuchter-Ibarra J., Ventura-Molina V. | 2011 | CIRUGIA Y CIRUJANOS | WoS-id: 000297798500011 Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-83755205853
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13 | Diffuse Membranous Immunoreactivity of CD56 and Paranuclear Dot-like Staining Pattern of Cytokeratins AE1/3, CAM5.2, and OSCAR in Undifferentiated (Embryonal) Sarcoma of the Liver | 2ᵒ autor: Soria-Cespedes, Danny, Maria Perez-Gomez, Rosa, de Leon-Bojorge, Beatriz, Ortiz-Hidalgo, Carlos | 2010 | APPLIED IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR MORPHOLOGY | WoS-id: 000275160000017 Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-77649152642
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14 | Bilateral tonsillar hypertrophy as the first manifestation of B cell-small lymphocytic lymphoma with interfolicular pattern [Hipertrofia amigdalina bilateral como primera manifestación de linfoma de linfocitos pequeños B con patrón interf | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Baquera-Heredia J., Pardo A., Ortiz-Hidalgo C. | 2010 | Revista Médica Del Instituto Mexicano Del Seguro Social | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-77956632806
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15 | Soft-tissue perineurioma of the bulbar conjunctiva | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Rodriguez-Reyes A.A., Hernández-Vazquez E., Ortiz-Hidalgo C. | 2009 | ARCH OPHTHALMOL-CHIC | WoS-id: 000268848200019 Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-68549137858
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16 | Intraocular malignant pigmented medulloepithelioma. A report of two cases [Meduloepitelioma pigmentado maligno intraocular. Presentación de dos casos] | 1ᵉʳ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Martínez-Madrigal F., Méndez-Sashida P., Ortiz-Hidalgo C. | 2009 | Revista Espanola de Patologia | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-77951980217
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17 | Vulvo-perineal aggressive angiomyxoma: Clinical and immunohistochemical study in four mexican women [Angiomixoma agresivo vulvoperineal: Estudio clínico e inmunohistoquímico en cuatro mujeres mexicanas] | 2ᵒ autor: Soria-Céspedes D., Castillo Pinto F., Torres-Lobatón A., Cruz-Ortiz H., et al. | 2009 | GACETA MEXICANA DE ONCOLOGIA | Scopus-id: 2-s2.0-84891685414
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