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Título del libro: Gecco'08: Proceedings Of The 10th Annual Conference On Genetic And Evolutionary Computation 2008
Título del capítulo: Rank based variation operators for genetic algorithms

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Adaptation mechanisms; Genetic operators; Mutation rates; Parameter tuning; Rank GA; Robustness; Simple ga; Variation operators; Tuning; Genetic algorithms


We show how and why using genetic operators that are applied with probabilities that depend on the fitness rank of a genotype or phenotype offers a robust alternative to the Simple GA and avoids some questions of parameter tuning without having to introduce an explicit encoded self-adaptation mechanism. We motivate the algorithm by appealing to previous theoretic analysis that show how different landscapes and population states require different mutation rates to dynamically optimize the balance between exploration and exploitation. We test the algorithm on a range of model landscapes where we can see under what circumstances this Rank GA is likely to outperform the Simple GA and how it outperforms standard heuristics such as 1/N. We try to explain the reasons behind this behaviour. Copyright 2008 ACM.

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