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Título del libro: 26th Symposium On The Application Of Geophysics To Engineering And Environmental Problems 2013, Sageep 2013
Título del capítulo: Urban electrical resistivity tomography and its impact in subsidences problems

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Palabras clave:

Contaminant migration; Electrical resistivity tomography; Geological features; Geometrical characteristics; Mexico City; Regular grids; Tubular structures; Urbanized area; Soils; Structural geology; Subsidence; Three dimensional; Houses


Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) methods have been applied to study contaminant migration plumes, detection of fractures, cavities or subsurface subsidence threatening urbanized areas. Unfortunately, ERT-3D techniques carried out on heavily urbanized areas become a difficult task, since buildings, houses or other type of obstacles do not allow parallel ERT arrays to be deployed. Therefore, insufficient information from the subsoil could be obtained. Then, a conventional regular grid cannot be carried out. In this paper, we present a subsidence problem of two-storey houses located in a densely populated western portion of Mexico City. Geological-geotechnical studies done on the site could not found the cause, as it posed a possible cavity beneath the houses. Since the damaged houses are in the middle of a highly populated low-class neighborhood, an unconventional ERT array had to be applied. At first, a 'T'-array formed by two perpendicular transects was applied, one was 68 m long, set along the main street and a second one in the middle 18 m long deployed within a small alley, that stretched from the door of the house to the back. This study determined a tubular structure beneath the houses following an irregular path at depth. Finally, houses had to be demolished due to the extensive damaged in their foundations. Such an event made possible to carry out a second ERT-3D study, which included a dipolar array called 'L' and 'Corner' arrays. Such a new work defined a similar tubular structure. The cavity entrance was discovered, when excavations were made in the courtyards of the houses, although its precise shape could not be defined. The ERT-3D interpretation contributed to locate and accurately determine the geometrical characteristics of the geological feature that caused the collapse.

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