ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '259766' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NOT NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '259766' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = '259766']
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = 259766 AND InstitucionPropia = 'S'
SELECT Adscripciones.Entidad FROM PublicacionesObras
JOIN PublicObrasAutores ON PublicacionesObras.Identificador = PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion
JOIN Adscripciones ON PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado = Adscripciones.NumeroEmpleado
WHERE (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion BETWEEN Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta OR (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion >= Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta IS NULL)) AND PublicacionesObras.Identificador= 259766]
SIIA Público
Título del libro: Technical Proceedings Of The 2013 Nsti Nanotechnology Conference And Expo, Nsti-Nanotech 2013 Título del capítulo: Metal-oxide-semiconductor structures with two and three-region gate dielectric containing silicon nanocrystals: Structural, infrared and electrical properties
Annealing condition; Cross-sectional TEM; Electrical measurement; FTIR; I-V; Metal oxide semiconductor structures; Si nanocrystal; Silicon nanocrystals; Dielectric properties; Exhibitions; Films; Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; Gate dielectrics; Nanocrystals; Nanotechnology; Semiconducting silicon; Silicon; Silicon oxides; Transmission electron microscopy; Nanocomposite films
Two types of MOS structures, c-Si/SiOx/Al and c-Si/SiO 2/SiOx/Al (x = 1.15 and 1.3) were prepared by thermal evaporation of silicon monoxide with thickness of ~ 100 nm on Si substrate or on thermal oxide. The effect of the annealing conditions on the gate dielectric properties was studied by TEM, FTIR and I-V measurements. Cross-sectional TEM revealed that a two-step annealing process at 1000 °C, first in N 2 and then in N2+O2 atmosphere leads to formation of two regions in the SiOx layer: a homogeneous amorphous region, free of nanocrystals close to the top surface and a region with nanocrystals underneath it. FTIR and electrical measurements showed that the top region is with properties close to that of stoichiometric SiO2.