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Título del libro: Proceedings Of The 16th International Association For Mathematical Geosciences - Geostatistical And Geospatial Approaches For The Characterization Of Natural Resources In The Environment: Challenges, Processes And Strategies, Iamg 2014
Título del capítulo: Application of a coherent multi-dimensional technique to the central part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Data handling; Discriminant analysis; Geochemistry; Igneous rocks; Linear transformations; Metadata; Natural resources; Volcanoes; Compositional data; Linear discriminant analysis; Log-ratio transformations; Me-xico; Petrogenesis; Probability estimate; Statistical techniques; Tectonic settings; Mathematical transformations


A combination of logratio transformation (additive logratio) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) is a powerful experimental data-handling coherent multi-dimensional probabilitybased statistical technique, which is superior to the use of conventional bi-variate or ternary diagrams. Application of this procedure is illustrated with three subsets of compositional data for 2270 igneous rock samples from the central part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt (MVB). A combination of isometric logratio transformation and LDA will be used in future to test these and other sub-compositions on an updated worldwide compilation of geochemical data, which will enable us to achieve newer sets of more versatile, efficient, and coherent diagrams and related probability estimates. © 2014, Capital Publishing Company.

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