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Título del libro: Climate Change, Adaptive Capacity And Development
Título del capítulo: Adaptation to climatic variability and changein Tlaxcala, Mexico

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This paper discusses anticipated impacts of climatic change and variability on the agriculture sector in the state of Tlaxcala, Mexico, and the potential of farmers to mitigate their vulnerability through improved crop management. The project involved close collaboration with farmers and researchers in Tlaxcala to identify and analyze climatic risk and impacts, and to explore adaptation options. The initial optimism for maize yields in Tlaxcala based on climate change scenarios introduced in a crop simulation model was tempered by the observed negative implications of the El Niño-Southern Oscillation for rainfall distribution and frequency of frost events in the state. Facilitating ?appropriate? crop choice has been the primary focus of adaptation in the state, and there is some evidence of successful risk mitigation using seasonal forecasts in crop decisions. Further investigation revealed the importance of the socioeconomic context of farmers? decision-making and the need to consider household risks and opportunities in the promotion of adaptation options. © 2003 by Imperial College Press. All rights reserved.

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