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Título del libro: Information Resources In Toxicology
Título del capítulo: Mexico

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The history of toxicology in Mexico should include, at the outset, reference to the indigenous cultures which had acquired an intimate knowledge of the medicinal properties of the land's flora. These early civilizations even cultivated botanical gardens of medicinal plants. The use of medicinal plants by the Aztecs was described by Sahagun in his General history of the things of the New Spain and in 1552, the Libellus de Medicinalibus Indorum Herbis, containing a description of medicinal plants and their uses, was published. Modern toxicology began to take root in Mexico in the early 1970s in several laboratories at different institutes and universities, such as the Instituto Politécnico Nacional and the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Today, research in toxicology, genotoxicology, environmental toxicology, and food toxicology is performed mostly in public universities in Mexico City. Toxicology is taught in an assortment of Mexican university faculties, such as chemistry, medicine, veterinary science, and sometimes biology, as a part of the academic curricula. Food toxicology is currently taught within several university departments within the new Food Science and Technology degree programs. © 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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