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Título del libro: Nutritional Strategies Of Animal Feed Additives
Título del capítulo: Probiotics as an alternative to antibiotics promoters in ruminants

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Dairy production is considered to be a complex activity integrated into a production system, geared to meet the demand for milk and dairy products dairy in animal and human food. It is characterized by a sustainable and organized process that allows keeping the productive efficiency of the dairy company. Raising calves of replacement, ensures the profitability of the company dairy and beef companies. The period of lactation of the calf is a critical stage in the process of adaptation of the newborn; there is a need to transfer infant transcalostral of immunoglobulins, which ensures passive immunity and contribution suitable nutrient in the cow's milk or from a diet feeding in the lactosubstitutos. Coupled with this are important structural and functional changes in the stomach above the calf;, they allow the evolution of the digestive system of the nursing monogastrico to the ruminant developing. This change is accentuated by the colonization of the microflora and fauna of the stomach, the abomasum and bowel. Induction of the microbiota in the gut is produced from: from the production environment and, the coexistence between animals and microbial additives included in the diet. The biomodulactióon of the microflora of the digestive tract of calves, by the use of additives such as probiotics, has beneficial effects to the host. Through the bioregulaciòn bioregulation of the microflora and the inmunomodulaciòntion of the adaptive immune response and interaction with innate immunity of the individual-: which happen to adverse health conditions-; attributed to enteric diseases and intestinal dysbiosis, among others. The use of probiotics, prebiotics and symbiotic in animal feeding is to promote a beneficial microflora in intestine and rumen. An Oother effect is to contribute to the bioregulaciòntion and inmunomodulaciòntion of the immune response in the intestine by the colonization and transit of microorganisms in gastrointestinal contents. Another considered effect is to promote the microbiota and their lLietabolic processes, as a beneficiusin digestive process in the prerumiante and the ruminant adult. Ruminal microflora, are required for the synthesis of nutrients and the development and the fermentation desired, in the sustainable production of livestock. The use of probiotics as additives adaptogenos is the process of adaptation of infants to the production system, in addition to constituting an alternative appropriate substitution of the antibiotic promoters of growth in the rearing of calves. © 2013 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

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