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Título del libro: Recent Developments In Bio-Nanocomposites For Biomedical Applications
Título del capítulo: Synthesis of novel stimuli responsive nanocomposites for biomedical applications

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Recent advances in the fields of polymers and nanocomposites have been attracting both academic and industrial attention because the dramatic improvement exhibited in the properties of these composites even at low filler contents. Some examples of the technologies developed over the last few years utilizing the scientific advances in nanocomposites and nano-biotechnology can be found in bio-mimicry, diagnostics, and therapeutics. This chapter reviews the general structure, preparation and properties of polymers and nanocomposites used in biomedical applications. Furthermore, the chapter discusses state of the art smart polymers obtained by gamma rays, using direct method and pre-irradiation method, and their nanocomposites with potential biomedical applications. © 2011 Nova Science Publishers, Inc. All rights reserved.

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