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Título del libro: Research Methodologies, Innovations And Philosophies In Software Systems Engineering And Information Systems
Título del capítulo: On it and SwE research methodologies and paradigms: A systemic landscape review

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:

In this chapter, the authors review the landscape of research methodologies and paradigms available for Information Technology (IT) and Software Engineering (SwE). The aims of the chapter are two-fold: (i) create awareness in current research communities in IT and SwE on the variety of research paradigms and methodologies, and (ii) provide an useful map for guiding new researchers on the selection of an IT or SwE research paradigm and methodology. To achieve this, the chapter reviews the core IT and SwE research methodological literature, and based on the findings, the authors illustrate an updated IT and SwE research framework that comprehensively integrates findings and best practices and provides a coherent systemic (holistic) view of this research landscape. © 2012, IGI Global.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: