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Título del libro: The Neighborhood As A Social And Spatial Unit In Mesoamerican Cities
Título del capítulo: Teotihuacan neighborhoods and the health of residents: The risks of preindustrial urban living

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Beginning with the Teotihuacan Mapping Project (Millón et al. 1973), it was recognized that some of Teotihuacan s 2,000 apartment compounds were part of neighborhoods. Some of these were easily recognized, and others are formed by clusters of craft specialists. Certainly, not all neighborhoods have been identified, but excavations in apartment compounds in two identified neighborhoods, Tlajinga 33 and La Ventilla (excavations in the latter in 1992-1994), have yielded information about living conditions and the relative status of residents. These are not the only residences excavated at Teotihuacan whose skeletons have been studied for health indicators. However, the treatment is quite variable, as in many cases, only a mention of pathology is made (González 2009). Civera's osteological analysis of the Merchants' Barrio (Rattray and Civera 1999) and Oztoyahualco 15B:N6W3 (Manzanilla et al. 1999) lists identified paleopathological conditions but did not employ the same methodology we use here. These compounds will be used for general comparisons. The skeletons recovered from Tlajinga 33 and La Ventilla 1992-1994 will be compared by age-specific frequencies for evidence of how urban living influenced health and whether there were any differences by status. © 2012 The Arizona Board of Regents. All rights reserved.

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