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Título del libro: Advanced Biomaterials And Biodevices
Título del capítulo: Stimuli-Responsive Materials Used as Medical Devices in Loading and Releasing of Drugs

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Palabras clave:

Biomedical equipment; Controlled drug delivery; Electric fields; Swelling; Targeted drug delivery; Biomedical devices; Eluting system; Environmental factors; Improve performance; Magnetic and electric fields; Medical Devices; Stimuli-responsive materials; Stimuli-responsive polymer; Functional polymers


Among polymers with potential use in biomedical field we can look to the stimuli-responsive polymers, also called "smart". These materials are able to modify their physical properties (for example, swelling in water) in response to a small variation of environmental factors (temperature, pH, light, magnetic and electric field, etc.). The swelling or shrinking of smart polymers in response to these small changes can be used successfully to control drug release. These polymers can be used to fabricate medical devices which have become an essential part of modern medical care. However, some challenges such as, infections, inflammation, biofilm formation on surface, etc. must be taken into consideration. This chapter reviews and focuses the recent advances in the preparation and characterization of stimuli-responsive materials used as medical devices in loading and eluting of drugs. Also, some strategies are described in order to improve performance of these biomedical devices. © 2014 by Scrivener Publishing LLC. All rights reserved.

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