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Título del libro: Sustainable Development Of Biofuels In Latin America And The Caribbean
Título del capítulo: Mexico

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Palabras clave:

Ethanol; Feedstocks; Food supply; Fossil fuels; Gas emissions; Greenhouse gases; Laws and legislation; Petroleum transportation; Regional planning; Sugar cane; Sustainable development; Anhydrous ethanol; Food security; Greenhouse gas (GHG); Jatropha curcas; Me-xico; Biofuels


Liquid biofuels have the potential to substitute for petroleum in Mexico's transport systems, thereby mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and promoting rural development. However, although the Mexican government constructed a legal and regulatory framework for their introduction, it has so far failed to develop the specific policies, programs, and market conditions that would ensure biofuel production and commercialization. As a result, Mexico is the only major country in Latin America without a commercial biofuel industry thus far. In particular, no mandates for mixing biofuels with fossil fuels have been established and the high gasoline and diesel subsidies are only being slowly reduced, not removed. A general lack of agricultural knowledge about some of the feedstocks, leading to unrealistic yield expectations and insufficient production, has been another contributing factor to the closure of various biofuel projects. Finally, far more technical, environmental, economic, and social knowledge is required in order for the country to define the most appropriate biofuel feedstocks that are capable of contributing to the mitigation of GHG emissions without causing negative effects on rural development and overall sustainability. At present, the development of ethanol from sugarcane appears to be the most promising option but many hurdles remain before it can be successfully developed into a biofuel industry. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014. All rights are reserved.

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