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Título del libro: Sustainability Of Integrated Water Resources Management: Water Governance, Climate And Ecohydrology
Título del capítulo: Efficient use of water resources for sustainability

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:

Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Decision making; Ecosystems; Soil conservation; Sustainable development; Water conservation; Water management; Community participation; Decision makers; Efficient use of water; Funding mechanisms; General publics; Human consumption; Sustainable water management; Watershed management; Information management


Strategies to achieve sustainable water management throughout the world are urgently needed as different regions are already experiencing high water stress with serious negative consequences on human health and ecosystems. Acknowledging the difference between efficiency and sustainability in water management, this paper considers the need of implementing actions that take into account future demand as well as the integrity of ecosystems. Consequently, recommendations are made regarding the investments that should be made on (1) access to clean water for human consumption, (2) ecosystem conservation and restoration, (3) watershed management, (4) collection and dissemination of data to the general public and decision makers, (5) finding ways to prevent and solve conflicts over water, and (6) encouraging community participation through local leadership, control over water resources, a fair allocation of benefits, and effective funding mechanisms. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland (outside the USA) 2015. All rights reserved.

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