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Título del libro: Drought In Arid And Semi-Arid Regions: A Multi-Disciplinary And Cross-Country Perspective
Título del capítulo: Evaluation of groundwater flow system functioning in mexico to reduce drought impacts

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Groundwater balance; Groundwater temperature; Regional flow system; San Luis Potos; Surface basin


Approximately 97A of continental water on Earth is groundwater; the remainder includes surface water, water in the atmosphere, and water in living organisms. For Mexico to cope with drought conditions and minimize environmental impacts of human water usage, water source dynamics must be understood and utilized in the most efficient way. Groundwater moves from its recharge to its discharge area in flow systems, traveling through paths of different length and depth, resulting in flows that can be both local and regional. Regional flows are currently supplying about 95 % of the required water in arid regions, such as in Mexicos San Luis Potos-Basin, which is the focal point of this study. The main objective is to highlight the importance of understanding groundwater flow systems to better identify the sources of recharge for any particular aquifer. Aquifer recharge can be derived from both local and regional sources and thus groundwater policy must consider the spatial and temporal dimensions of recharge in an attempt to efficiently manage extractions. Indeed, only through a better understanding of the biophysical relationship among groundwater components and drought can informed decisions be mad. © Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013.

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