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Título del libro: New Trends In Statistical Physics: Festschrift In Honor Of Leopoldo Garcia-Colin's 80th Birthday
Título del capítulo: Propagation of light in complex fluids: Embedded solitons in liquid crystals

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The soft nature of liquid crystals induces highly nonlinear couplings between the optical field and the director. This nonlinear dynamics makes it possible to have solitons of the optical fields. In this work the conditions under which a new type of solitons (embedded solitons, ES) may exist in liquid crystals waveguides is discussed. To describe this new type of solitary waves, we first review some basic concepts of the hydrodynamics of liquid crystals and then discuss how the ES were discovered and what is the mechanism that accounts for their existence. We use a model for a cylindric nematic waveguide and write the coupled basic equations for the electromagnetic modes in the guide and for the orientation field. Then we use a simplified multiple scale technique to derive the structure of the basic equations which describe the evolution of light pulses in liquid crystals at different scales. We study the ES of the complex modified Korteweg de Vries equation (cmKdV) and use a variational method to explain the stability of its solitons. © 2010 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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