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Título del libro: Condensed Matter Theories
Título del capítulo: Spin singlet and triplet superconductivity induced by correlated hopping interactions

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

BCS theory; Hubbard model; Superconducting gap symmetry


In this article, we show that the Bardeen-Cooper-Schriefier (BCS) formalism applied to a Hubbard model iSocapable to predict the s-, p- and d-wave superconductivity within a single theoretical scheme. This study is performed on a square lattice described by a generalized Hubbard Hamiltonian, in which correlated-hopping interactions are included in addition to the repulsive Coulombic one. Within the BCS formalism using a variable chemical potential, the superconducting ground states are determined by two coupled integral equations, whose integrand functions have main contributions around the Fermi surface. We observe the existence of a maximum critical temperature for s-, p- and d-wave superconducting channels that occur at the medium, low and high electron den- sities, respectively. Furthermore, the p- and d-wave superconducting specific heats show a power-law temperature dependence, instead of the exponential one for the Sochannel. Finally, the smallness of the anisotropic single-energy-excitation-gap minima is essential for the specific heat behavior, and this fact allows to understand the experimental data obtained from Sr2RuO4 and La2?xSrxCuO4 superconductors. © 2011 by World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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