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Título del libro: Vector Fields On Singular Varieties
Título del capítulo: The Schwartz Index

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The index of a tangent vector field in a singular point is well-defined on manifolds, as described in the previous chapter. When working with singular analytic varieties, it is necessary to give a, sense to the notion of "tangent" vector field and, once this is done, it is natural to ask what should be the notion of "the index" at a, singularity of the suitable vector field. Indices of vector fields on singular varieties were first considered by M.-H. Schwartz in [139,141] (see also [33,142]) in her study of the Poincare-Hopf Theorem and Chern classes for singular varieties. For her purpose there was no point in considering vector fields in general, but only a special class of vector fields that she called "radial," which are obtained by the important process of radial extension. In this chapter we explain the definition of the corresponding index as it was defined by M.-H. Schwartz for vector fields constructed by radial extension. Complete description and constructions will be found

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