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Título del libro: Vector Fields On Singular Varieties
Título del capítulo: Indices of Vector Fields on Real Analytic Varieties

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In the previous chapters we focused on indices of vector fields on complex analytic varieties. The real analytic setting also has its own interest, and that is the subject of this chapter. The following presentation follows the discussion by M. Aguilar, J. Seade and A. Verjovsky in [6] (see also [49]). We describe indices analogous to the GSV and Schwartz indices for vector fields on real analytic singular varieties. In this setting the GSV index is an integer if the singular variety V is odd-dimensional, but it is defined only modulo 2 if the dimension of V is even. The Schwartz and the GSV indices are defined, respectively, in Sects. I and 2; there we show that the Schwartz index classifies the homotopy classes of vector fields near an isolated singularity. Section 3 provides a geometric interpretation of the GSV index in the real analytic setting. The information we get is related to previous work by M. Kervaire about the curvatura integra of manifolds, and this is the subject we ex

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