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Título del libro: Vector Fields On Singular Varieties
Título del capítulo: The Case of Holomorphic Vector Fields

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We have seen that for vector fields, there are indices such as the Poincare-Hopf index and the virtual index, that arise from localizations of certain Chern classes. If the vector field is holomorphic, the localization theory becomes richer because of the Bott vanishing theorem, and this produces further interesting residues. This theory can be developed for general singular foliations on certain singular varieties. We consider here the case of holomorphic vector fields and the slightly more general case of one dimensional singular foliations. We refer to [156] for a systematical treatment of the general case. Here we have three types of residues: (1) Baum-Bott residues and generalizations to singular varieties, (2) Camacho-Sad index and various generalizations, (3) Variations and generalizations. In all the above cases the residues arise from a Bott type vanishing theorem, which in turn comes from an action of the vector field or the foliation on some vector bundle or virtual bundle.

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