ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '372933' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NOT NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '372933' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = '372933']
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = 372933 AND InstitucionPropia = 'S'
SELECT Adscripciones.Entidad FROM PublicacionesObras
JOIN PublicObrasAutores ON PublicacionesObras.Identificador = PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion
JOIN Adscripciones ON PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado = Adscripciones.NumeroEmpleado
WHERE (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion BETWEEN Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta OR (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion >= Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta IS NULL)) AND PublicacionesObras.Identificador= 372933]
SIIA Público
Título del libro: Tms Annual Meeting Título del capítulo: Precipitation kinetic of AlMgSi Alloy added with Ag.
Ag additions; Aging treatment; Alloying additions; AlMgSi alloy; Atomic clusters; B phase; Hardening capability; Phase transformation; Precipitation kinetics; Silver effect; Phase precipitate; Age hardening; Alloys; Differential scanning calorimetry; Dimensional stability; Dissolution; Mechanical properties; Precipitates; Semiconducting silicon; Silver alloys; Weldability; Chemical properties; Functional electric stimulation; Precipitation (chemical)
AlMgSi alloy is widely attractive due to their physical, mechanical and chemical properties, such as corrosion, formability, weldability, etc. However a study detailed on the kinetic precipitation with Ag addition has not been carried out yet. In addition, the Ag content could be exerting a marked effect on their mechanical properties and dimensional stability. The present work reports the silver effect on the hardenable AlMgSi (6xxx) alloy. The influence of age hardening capability and their relationship with the Ag alloying addition has been studied in this work. The results describe the kinetic of precipitates formation and cluster dissolution during the ageing. The phase transformation was observed by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The formation of atomic clusters was identified before the GP-zone and precipitate formation. A b-phase precipitates were formed during the age at 190°C. The silver added improves the precipitation kinetic and microhardness value.