ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '381871' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NOT NULL;]
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ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = '381871']
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = 381871 AND InstitucionPropia = 'S'
SELECT Adscripciones.Entidad FROM PublicacionesObras
JOIN PublicObrasAutores ON PublicacionesObras.Identificador = PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion
JOIN Adscripciones ON PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado = Adscripciones.NumeroEmpleado
WHERE (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion BETWEEN Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta OR (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion >= Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta IS NULL)) AND PublicacionesObras.Identificador= 381871]
SIIA Público
Título del libro: Technical Proceedings Of The 2011 Nsti Nanotechnology Conference And Expo, Nsti-Nanotech 2011 Título del capítulo: Nanosized titania reservoirs for epilepsy treatment
Autores externos: Idioma: Año de publicación: 2011Palabras clave:
Drug release; Drug-matrix interactions; Epilepsy; Phenytoin; Titania
We carried out elaborate studies on phenytoin encapsulation within the titania matrix. We changed the parameters of the sol-gel synthesis to play with the drug-matrix interactions and titania morphology to design the release kinetics. First, we showed that hydroxyl groups of titania matrix are the main interaction sites with hydantoin ring of phenytoin. We confirmed that there may be two possible complexes formed between the drug and the matrix, where one or two hydroxyl groups participate. The probability of each complex depends on the hydroxyl group coverage of the titania surface, which, in its turn, depends on the water/alkoxide ratio used in the sol-gel synthesis. Second, we varied the water/alkoxide ratio to investigate how this would affect the morphology of the matrix and, as a result, the drug release kinetics. Finally, we applied characterization techniques to study the morphology of the matrix to explain the release 'in vitro'.