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Título del libro: Echinoderms: Durham - Proceedings Of The 12th International Echinoderm Conference
Título del capítulo: Sediment utilization and feeding-niche breadth of Meoma ventricosa grandis Lamarck, 1816 (Echinodermata: Brissidae) at Boca Chica channel, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico

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Palabras clave:

Benthic organisms; Digestive tract; Me-xico; Physical factors; Polluting agents; Sea urchin; Tidal currents; Total length; Alkalinity; Anoxic sediments; Chlorophyll; Digestive system; Ecosystems; Feeding; Heavy metals; Hydrocarbons; Mammals; Nitrogen compounds; Ocean currents; Shellfish; Silicates; Turbidity; Sedimentology


Sediment utilization and feeding-niche breadth have been considered to stablish a direct correlation among different marine benthic organisms and their specific habitat. The chemical and physical factors are the most important in the present correlation. To stablish a correspondance between the animal and its environment, sediment, hydrodynamics, feeding and polluting agents must have been considered. In this work, we present the relation between an irregular sea urchin Meoma ventricosa grandis and its habitat at Boca Chica channel, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico. Nitrates, nitrites, amonium, phosphates, silicates, alkalinity, chlorophylls, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, salinity, temperature, turbidity, texture, bromatology and tidal currents, organic matter of sediments, oceanic snow and digestive tracts are measured. The results showed selectivity to certains factors depending principally on the sea urchin size (Total length). © 2010 Taylor & Francis Group.

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