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Título del libro: 19th Symposium On The Application Of Geophysics To Engineering And Environmental Problems, Sageep 2006: Geophysical Applications For Environmental And Engineering Hazzards - Advances And Constraints
Título del capítulo: Imaging groundwater resources of a Mediterranean coastal aquifer using seismic and CSAMT data

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Aquifers; Groundwater geochemistry; Hydrogeology; Lithology; Seawater; Seismic waves; Seismology; Deltaic aquifer systems; Geophysical methods; Hydrogeological parameters; Industrial development; Joint interpretation; Mediterranean coasts; Seismic reflection profiles; Subsurface properties; Groundwater resources


Groundwater research and management requires the understanding of the subsurface properties to constrain multiscale heterogeneities. This work presents a multidisciplinary study focused on the characterization of hydrogeological parameters and processes of a porous aquifer system using geophysical methods sensitive to structures, lithologies, and presence of water, namely Seismic and Control Source Audiomangetotelluric (CSAMT). The hydogeophysical experiment is based on the joint interpretation of classical hydrogeological data with seismic profiles and CSAMT soundings to typify aquifer units, basement depth and state and evolution of the seawater wedge. Tordera deltaic aquifer system is located in the Mediterranean coast of Spain. Forms a small delta of 21 km of detritic unconsolidated materials building up a complex heterogenic aquifer system, confined by Paleozoic granite rocks. Due to tourist and industrial development groundwater resources have incremented its demand during last fifteen years, thus salt-water wedge has progressed inland. Discussion is based on: well lithology descriptions, hydrochemistry, CSAMT data analysis, seismic tomography models, comparison of 2D CSAMT inversion models with seismic reflection profiles, and seawater wedge monitoring along the preferential seawater path.

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