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Título del libro: 38th International Congress And Exposition On Noise Control Engineering 2009, Inter-Noise 2009
Título del capítulo: Sound Reduction Index comparison between laboratory and in situ conditions using the sound intensity technique for double mounted prefabricated materials

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Palabras clave:

Aperture sizes; Frequency ranges; International standards; Laboratory conditions; Measurement uncertainty; Situ conditions; Sound intensity measurement; Sound reduction index; Sound source; Acoustic intensity; Anechoic chambers; Cutoff frequency; Exhibitions; Uncertainty analysis; Acoustic noise


The Sound Reduction Index, SRI, of two panels of double-mounted prefabricated materials was investigated using the sound intensity technique under laboratory and in situ conditions by the international standard ISO 15186-1 and ISO 15186-2, respectively. The development of a better agreement between both standards will allow lesser requirements for the transmission suite facility and aperture size. The transmission suite used for the SRI under in situ conditions consists of a room of 32.3 m3 used as a source room, and a hemi-anechoic chamber of 84 m3 and cutoff frequency of 630 Hz, which was used as a receiving room. The test aperture between the rooms has an area of 1.7 m2. The effect of the source room volume and the panel size over the SRI was analyzed measuring at four sound source positions on the frequency range of 200 Hz to 6.3 kHz. The influence of the maximum SRI in the SRI of both materials is also analyzed. Firstly, the sound intensity measurements under in situ conditions are analyzed considering the field indicators recommended by ISO 9614-1, and afterwards, the SRI is analyzed in different zones on the frequency range with respect the SRI estimated under laboratory conditions. The comparison of the SRI considers the measurement uncertainty.

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