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Título del libro: Agent Based Modeling Simulation For Land Use Change And Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Land Management Policies
Título del capítulo: The importance of increasing actual INDCs, ambitions to meet the Paris agreement temperature targets: An innovative fuzzy logic approach to temperature control and climate assessment using FACTS

Autores UNAM:
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Palabras clave:

Carbon; Computer circuits; Emission control; Flexible AC transmission systems; Fuzzy control; Fuzzy logic; Reconfigurable hardware; Alternative assessment; Carbon emissions; Climate assessment; Emission reduction; Fuzzy logic approach; INDCs; International community; Temperature stabilization; Climate change


This work presents an alternative assessment of climate projections using FACTS (Bastien and Gay, 2016), based on possible future emissions pathways related to the Intended National Determined Contributions presented in 2015 as part of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Moreover it proposes emission reductions in order to stabilize the climate to the desired levels proposed by the international community. Ultimately, it shows the importance of the emissions pathways that the world could take in the crucial period of time 2020-2030. FACTS uses a fuzzy logic approach to solve this physical problem, aware of it dependence on the complexity of climate diplomacy. © Copyright 2016 by SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved.

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