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Título del libro: Influence Of Laboratory Practice In Learning Human Physiology

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From an international perspective, strong scientific student training requires an active student role, basic medical teaching competency and a curricular load decrease. This chapter addresses the teaching of physiology in different continents, and particularly in the laboratory. It offers a historical review of medicine and the surge of physiology in Mexico. The integration of lab practice and student research projects in teaching physiology is expected to encourage team work, data gathering, result analyses and the oral, poster or written exposition of conclusions. The integration lab project for teaching Physiology is based on Harden?s SPICES model, which establishes that content integration must be carried out in stages. In other words, subject based teaching is interrelated and becomes transdisciplinary, leading to an integrated curriculum where subject borders are erased. Based on the above, medical students are the main actors of the multidisciplinary lab where they integrate basic knowledge of physiology, pharmacology, biochemistry and functional anatomy through the development of an experimental model thus advancing academically as well as in their self-perception. In order to answer the research question, students must connect previous ideas with the new knowledge extracted from the newly gathered data obtained from multiple sources. They must also apply a discriminative process to the possible explanations and in some cases, restructure the experiment in order to solve the problem. © 2016 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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