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Título del libro: Tropical Peatland Ecosystems
Título del capítulo: Land change analysis from 2000 to 2004 in peatland of Central Kalimantan, Indonesia using GIS and an extended transition matrix

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Palabras clave:

Central Kalimantan; Deforestation; Transition matrix


This chapter analyzes the land cover transitions for a tropical peatland in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. We constructed a transition matrix using land cover maps derived from classified Landsat images obtained from the years 2000 to 2004, and analyzed the transitions among Forest, Bare land, and Grass land. The results give insights of interpretations of land cover transitions and intensity analysis. Forest is involved in most of the changes; however, it is the only dormant category. The systematically avoiding transitions were from Forest to Bare land and from Bare land to Forest, in spite of the fact that the largest transition was from Forest to Bare Land. The systematically targeting transitions were from Bare land to Grass land and from Grass land to Bare land. In order to develop a deeper understanding of land cover transition, it is recommended to combine this method of analyzing the patterns of change with other types of research concerning the processes of change. © Springer Japan 2016.

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