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Título del libro: *sem 2012 - 1st Joint Conference On Lexical And Computational Semantics
Título del capítulo: BUAP: A first approximation to relational similarity measuring

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Palabras clave:

Natural language processing systems; Average numbers; Hyponymy; Meronymy; Morphological information; Relational similarities; Semantic relationships; Wordnet; Semantics


We describe a system proposed for measuring the degree of relational similarity beetwen a pair of words at the Task #2 of Semeval 2012. The approach presented is based on a vectorial representation using the following features: i) the context surrounding the words with a windows size = 3, ii) knowledge extracted from WordNet to discover several semantic relationships, such as meronymy, hyponymy, hypernymy, and part-whole between pair of words, iii) the description of the pairs with their POS tag, morphological information (gender, person), and iv) the average number of words separating the two words in text. © 2012 Association for Computational Linguistics.

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