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Título del libro: Proceedings Of 6th International Conference On Recent Advances In Space Technologies (rast 2013)
Título del capítulo: The project management model that incorporates the spatial sustainability within the design process of small satellites

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Sustainability; life cycle; management model; desing process for small satellites


This paper presents a proposal for the creation of a project management model that incorporates the spatial sustainability within the design process of small satellites. The study includes the product life cycle within the sustainable design process. It will be possible to adopt current international efforts to deal with the problem of solid waste in space for each subsystem of the satellite platforms. The proposed model of the project management space enables planning, evaluation, control, execution and implementation, within the entire mission, strategy development and decision making, based on the principles of sustainability: economics, societal and environmental impact. There is a common acknowledgement that space technology development has thrown contamination beyond the borders of the earth, becoming lately a latent threat for several space activities. The creation of space debris is due to different causes such as the collision of solid objects in space, exploding fuel tanks, meteor impact, malfunctioning satellites and no recovery at the end of its useful life. There must be a balance between development space, as an enabler for countries that are making significant efforts to enter the space community, space missions and regulations; that can make costs unfeasible for several missions. Appropriate space policies and managerial models can help switching the perception of regulation as a barrier, rather than a technological enabler. Whereas the problem needs to be analyzed in a holistic way, the LEO orbit is the gateway for low cost mission and technology testing for micro satellites and smaller devices. Space agencies around the world are looking for solutions to mitigate and control waste found in Earth orbit especially in LEO, but it is very important to contemplate the space debris problem comprehensively. In Mexico, the recent creation of the Mexican Space Agency (AEM), gives us the opportunity to have direct involvement nationwide in generating research and development of space technology. This proposal will enable Mexico to develop capabilities that allow it to understand, analyze and propose project management practices to foster the adoption of a sustainable model for missions involving micro and smaller satellites. To accomplish that, initiatives from NASA, EADS, UN and other countries will be studied in order to develop an initial model to help management of the mission design process involving sustainable development criteria. In the specific case of Mexico, several initiatives will be launched, but it is necessary to adopt international standards for collaboration and development of space missions, involving international cooperation. The search for objective indicators for establishing the benefits that have been generated through the adoption of sustainable models is of paramount importance. Moreover, the assessment of the impact caused for the solid waste generation in space and their associated risks must be understood and incorporated in the design and life cycle process of space missions. The research will target indicators that will provide the features necessary for the generation of a comprehensive proposal based on the product life cycle sustainable management within the model space projects.

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