ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '499271' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NOT NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '499271' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = '499271']
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = 499271 AND InstitucionPropia = 'S'
SELECT Adscripciones.Entidad FROM PublicacionesObras
JOIN PublicObrasAutores ON PublicacionesObras.Identificador = PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion
JOIN Adscripciones ON PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado = Adscripciones.NumeroEmpleado
WHERE (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion BETWEEN Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta OR (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion >= Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta IS NULL)) AND PublicacionesObras.Identificador= 499271]
SIIA Público
Título del libro: Proceedings Of The 33rd International Cosmic Rays Conference, Icrc 2013 Título del capítulo: Performance of the full-scale SciCRT as a component muon detector of the global muon detector network (GMDN)
Charged particles; Cosmology; Data acquisition; Nuclear instrumentation; Particle spectrometers; Angular resolution; Galactic cosmic rays; Me-xico; Muon detectors; Muon trigger; Space weather; Test operations; Viewing directions; Cosmic rays
We use the SciCRT as a new muon detector and fill a gap remaining in the viewing directions of the present GMDN over the north and middle America. In order to minimize the data acquisition time, we trigger the muon measurement by the four-fold coincidence of hit signals from the top and bottom pairs of the X- and Y-layers and identify the location of muon on each layer by choosing the scintillator bar yielding the maximum ADC count in each layer. By analyzing the cosmic ray data observed by a full-scale SciCRT detector assembled for the test operation in the Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica (INAOE) in Mexico, we confirm that more than 95 % of muon trigger events are successfully recorded with their correct incident directions. The angular resolution of the muon incident direction is also evaluated to be ~ 3°.
Entidades citadas de la UNAM:
ISBN: 9788589064293 Editorial: Sociedade Brasileira de Fisica