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Título del libro: From Fundamentals To Applications In Geotechnics
Título del capítulo: Recent trends for design of filters in earth and rockfill dams, including geotextiles criteria

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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Filter; retention; permeability; segregation; dams; geotextiles


The purpose of the filters employed as seepage control measures in earth structures is to efficiently control the movement of the water in and out of them. In order to satisfy this objective the filters must (during the useful life of the project and with a proper maintenance) retain the protected materials, have a higher permeability than the protected soil and have sufficient discharge capacity. In this paper, an overview of the most recent trends for design of granular filters in earth and rockfill dams is provided. The current methods not only respect the basic principles of retention and permeability enunciated by Terzaghi (1922), but additionally suggest guidelines to follow more systematic and particular purposes for the function of a filter, mainly focusing attention on the design rules, and also in quality control during construction. Initially the classical methods for design of granular filters are briefly reviewed. Subsequently, the procedures of principal design criteria currently used: USSCS (1994), USACE (2004) and USBR (2011) are described with the help of flow charts. The applicability of recent and classical filter design methods for materials of different earth structures, including the soil categories that consider the current criteria, is demonstrated by examples. The resulting filter bandwidths obtained by the diverse methods are compared. The most important rules for the design of geotextiles used as filters for dams are also exposed: permeability, retention, porosity and thickness criteria. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are given.

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