ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '503320' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NOT NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'CodigoInstitucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoPaterno, PublicObrasAutores.ApellidoMaterno, PublicObrasAutores.Nombre, PublicObrasAutores.NombreCompleto FROM PublicObrasAutores LEFT JOIN PublicObrasAutoresFil ON PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = PublicObrasAutoresFil.RefPublicacion WHERE PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion = '503320' AND PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado IS NULL AND PublicObrasAutoresFil.CodigoInstitucion IS NULL;]
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = '503320']
ERROR:SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 20018 Invalid column name 'Institucion'. [20018] (severity 16) [SELECT Institucion FROM PublicObrasAutoresFil WHERE RefPublicacion = 503320 AND InstitucionPropia = 'S'
SELECT Adscripciones.Entidad FROM PublicacionesObras
JOIN PublicObrasAutores ON PublicacionesObras.Identificador = PublicObrasAutores.RefPublicacion
JOIN Adscripciones ON PublicObrasAutores.NumeroEmpleado = Adscripciones.NumeroEmpleado
WHERE (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion BETWEEN Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta OR (PublicacionesObras.FechaPublicacion >= Adscripciones.FechaDesde AND Adscripciones.FechaHasta IS NULL)) AND PublicacionesObras.Identificador= 503320]
SIIA Público
Título del libro: 19th European Workshop On White Dwarfs Título del capítulo: Hydrogen-deficient Central Stars of Planetary Nebulae
A significant number of the central stars of planetary nebulae (CSPNe)
are hydrogen-deficient and are considered as the progenitors of
H-deficient white dwarfs. Almost all of these H-deficient CSPNe show a
chemical composition of helium, carbon, and oxygen. Most of them exhibit
Wolf-Rayet-like emission line spectra and are therefore classified as of
spectral type [WC]. In the last years, CSPNe of other Wolf-Rayet
spectral subtypes have been identified, namely PB 8 (spectral type
[WN/WC]), IC 4663 and Abell 48 (spectral type [WN]). We performed
spectral analyses for a number of Wolf-Rayet type central stars of
different evolutionary stages with the help of our Pots-dam Wolf-Rayet
(PoWR) model code for expanding atmospheres to determine relevant
stellar parameters. The results of our recent analyses will be presented
in the context of stellar evolution and white dwarf formation.
Especially the problems of a uniform evolutionary channel for [WC]
stars as well as constraints to the formation of [WN] or [WN/WC]
subtype stars will be addressed.