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Título del libro: International Sampe Technical Conference
Título del capítulo: THE effect of T6 treatment on the tensile properties of hot extruded Al-15WT. %Mg 2Si metal matrix composite

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Palabras clave:

As-cast; Brittle structures; Enhanced ductility; Extrusion process; Extrusion ratio; Fracture surfaces; In-situ; Light materials; Metal matrix composites; Microstructure and mechanical properties; Primary Mg; T6 heat treatment; T6 treatment; Aluminum; Brittle fracture; Ductile fracture; Exhibitions; Extrusion; Heat treatment; Intermetallics; Mechanical properties; Metallic matrix composites; Microstructure; Morphology; Scanning electron microscopy; Silicon


This article investigates the effect of T6 heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties of hot extruded in-situ Al-15wt%Mg 2Si composite. This composite has already been introduced as a new class of light materials but the brittle structure of the primary Mg 2Si which is formed during solidification limits its application. As-cast composite was directly extruded as rod by using three different dies. Microstructure after this type of extrusion was studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Results demonstrated that extruded and heat treated composite possesses considerably higher strength and enhanced ductility in comparison with the as-cast samples. It was also found that heat treatment and extrusion processes change the primary Mg 2Si morphology considerably and its size increases as extrusion ratio decreased. Fracture surface examinations revealed a transition from brittle fracture mode in as-cast composite to ductile fracture in heat treated and extruded specimens. This can be attributed to the changes in size and morphology of Mg 2Si intermetallics and porosity content.

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