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Título del libro: Aging, Health, And Longevity In The Mexican-Origin Population
Título del capítulo: Caring for the elderly: A binational task transnational health care support

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Mexico has experienced a demographic transition which has led to the ageing of its population. Thus, ageing has become a major concern in Mexico particularly as it relates to health and care issues. This concern is complicated given that Mexican migration to the United States is selective of young workers, especially sons who represent the main support for elderly care. In this context, families span across Mexico and the United States or family members become transnational migrants. The aim of this chapter is to identify strategies and mechanisms that families of Mexican origin develop on both sides of the border to tend to the physical and mental health needs of older parents. Qualitative data are used to conduct the analysis. The results show the use of a combination of local and transnational strategies to deal with the needs of elderly parents. The analysis also identifies demographic, socioeconomic, and health-related factors that are related to the strategies used. © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2012. All rights reserved.

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