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Título del libro: 41st International Congress And Exposition On Noise Control Engineering 2012, Inter-Noise 2012
Título del capítulo: Investigation of the variation in transmission loss in enclosures of different volumes, through measurements of sound power

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Intensity methods; Measurements of; Reverberant room; Schroeder frequency; Situ conditions; Sound power; Sound source; Transmission loss; Acoustic field measurement; Acoustic fields; Architectural acoustics; Wave transmission; Acoustic noise


In the estimation of the transmission loss of a partition, it is assumed that the sound field in the source room is diffuse. This supposition appears in both, the conventional and sound intensity method and for laboratory and in situ conditions. The sound power is estimated based on this assumption. However, below the Schroeder frequency, the sound field in a room is not considered diffuse. If the sound power is estimated below the Schroeder frequency, it is expected that it will be deviated from its true value. The same should have occurred for the estimation of the transmission loss. In this work, the sound power of a calibrated reference sound source is investigated in reverberant rooms of different volumes, principally at low frequencies. The effects of diffusers in the room are also explored.

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