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Título del libro: 18th International Conference On Soil Mechanics And Geotechnical Engineering: Challenges And Innovations In Geotechnics, Icsmge 2013
Título del capítulo: Performance of a pioneer foundation of the skirt type for the Metro-Line 12 overpass on the Mexico City soft clay

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Palabras clave:

Cast in place concrete; Geotechnical engineering; Overpasses; Soil mechanics; Soils; Clayey soils; Earth pressure; Foundation slab; Geotechnical instrumentation; Seismic Performance; Significant variables; Strong earthquakes; Structural cell; Foundations


Given the extension and importance of Mexico City's Metro-Line 12, it was considered relevant to monitor the behavior of the foundation of one of the supports for the overpass solution, which is laid on very soft clayey soils. This pioneer foundation, a footing or foundation slab with long skirts, locally known as structural cell or "inverted glass" type, was used for the first time in the city. Geotechnical sensors and accelerometers were included in the foundation to follow its behavior, not only during its construction and long term operation, but to record significant variables during strong earthquakes. From measurements made to date (two years after the beginning of construction) it stands out the effective coefficient K of earth pressure, reaching values close to the unit, at the soil-concrete walls (cast in place) contact.

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