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Título del libro: Mind, Language And Morality: Essays In Honor Of Mark Platts
Título del capítulo: The debate on the abuse of the concept of human rights

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On several occasions Mark Platts has concerned himself with conceptual problems related with the subject of rights, and particularly human rights. My points of agreement with him are many, but here I shall try to deal in some depth with certain aspects of his theses that I find problematical. In his most recent book, Ser responsable. Exploraciones filosóficas (?Being Responsible: Philosophical Explorations,? published in Spanish 2012), 1 he condenses, but also restructures some of the ideas he had presented in other works, particularly Sobre usos y abusos de la moral, (?On Uses and Abuses of Morality,? published in Spanish 1999). The axis of Platts?s conceptual preoccupations lies in his attempt to distinguish between, on the one hand, ?genuine rights?-that is rights sensu stricto-and, on the other, ?supposed rights?-i.e., claims to objects that can be highly desirable for individuals but whose status as rights is debatable. © 2018 Taylor & Francis.

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