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Título del libro: Ecos 2016 - Proceedings Of The 29th International Conference On Efficiency, Cost, Optimisation, Simulation And Environmental Impact Of Energy Systems
Título del capítulo: Energy use and CO2 emissions of the Mexican white maize agroindustry

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Palabras clave:

Energy utilization; Environmental impact; Gas emissions; Greenhouse gases; Industrial economics; Accurate calculations; Human consumption; Industrial processing; Maize production; Maize tortilla; Me-xico; Synthetic fertilizers; Total energy requirement; Manufacture


Social and economic changes in modern societies have favored an integration of primary product sector and industrial processing sector leading to the formation of complex agroindustry systems. In Mexico, maize is the most important cereal for domestic consumption so that maize agroindustry plays a relevant role in social and economic terms. White maize is the dominant maize variety planted in Mexico mainly for direct human consumption. White maize agroindustry demands different types and amounts of energy sources to produce, transport, store, preserve and process the grain into a variety of derived products. The purpose of this paper is to estimate energy use and related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of the key sectors of the Mexican white maize agroindustry based on information from the literature. Sectors examined include domestic white maize production, maize transportation, maize storage and preservation, maize processing and tortilla manufacturing. Estimated total energy use of the white maize agroindustry is in region of 123.3-217.3 PJ. Domestic white maize production (58.5-62.8 PJ) and mechanized tortilla manufacturing (31.4-92.9 PJ) are the major energy consumers. Commercial fossil-derived energy inputs such as diesel, synthetic fertilizers, LP gas and electricity are the main energy sources. However, non commercial energy forms (e.g. human and animal work) make a substantial contribution to total energy requirements especially in domestic maize production. Total GHG emissions range from 9.0 to 16.5 million tons CO2eq with mechanized tortilla production (2.3-6-9 million tons CO2eq) and domestic white maize production (3.7-4.5 million tons CO2eq) as the main GHG sources. In general, published information on energy use in the key sectors of the Mexican white maize agroindustry is scarce, out of date, and reports widely dispersed values. Further research is needed to perform more accurate calculations. In particular, domestic maize production, maize transportation and industrial processing should be investigated more in detail. © 2016 University of Ljubljana.

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