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Título del libro: Groundwatercontaminant And Resource Management.
Título del capítulo: Numerical and analytical methods for the analysis of flow of water through soils and earth structures.

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:

Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

flow of water; groundwater seepage; soils and earth structures; numerical and analytical methods; transient flow; unsaturated soils; stochastic analyses


This chapter presents a compendium of the primary methods that are used to perform water flow analyses with a focus on computational approximation methods. Some of the current algorithms for carrying out this type of analysis are summarized. In addition, general guidelines are provided for using the methodologies for specific types of analysis, such as transient-state flow caused by water drawdown and flow in unsaturated media. Emphasis is placed on the need for stochastic analysis of water flow. Lastly, conclusions and general recommendations are given for performing numerical groundwater seepage analyses in soils.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: