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Título del libro: Urban Transformations: Centres, Peripheries And Systems
Título del capítulo: Metropolitan Transformation and Polycentric Structure in Mexico City: Identification of Urban Sub-centres, 1989?2005

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Polycentrism is the process by which a city gradually moves away from a monocentric spatial structure characterized by the presence of a single centre or employment district towards a new one where there are various employment centres with the same or different hierarchical orders (García López, 2006). These new ?urban sub-centres?, are territorial units with high levels of employment that attract trips. For example, a commercial sub-centre is a territorial unit to which the population is attracted for the purposes of shopping, work, and housing. Nonetheless, high job density in those nuclei may not be sufficient to consider them as sub-centres because we expect a sub-centre to be not only a concentration but also, a meeting place, with interaction flows such as flows of workers or flows of shoppers (Ruiz-Lineros and Marmolejo Duarte, 2008). A very important point is that a sub-centre influences densities of areas by attracting other related activities. © The editor and contributors 2014. All rights reserved.

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