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Título del libro: 2020 Forum On Integrated And Sustainable Transportation Systems, Fists 2020
Título del capítulo: A blockchain-based user-centric emission monitoring and trading system for multi-modal mobility

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Blockchain; Commerce; Greenhouse gases; Information management; Emission credit; Emission monitoring; Emission performance; Emission trading systems; High throughput; Implementation steps; Multimodal network; Trading systems; User centered design


A new design of a user-centric Emission Trading Systems (ETS) and its implementation as a carbon Blockchain framework for Smart Mobility Data-market (cBSMD) is pre-sented. The cBSMD allows for individual transactions of token-based GHG emission quantities when realizing a trip in a multimodal setting as well as the management of system-wide emission performance data. The cBSMD design is here applied to an ETS framework where individual travellers receive a certain amount of emission credits in the form of tokens. Travellers spend tokens every time they emit GHG when travelling in a multi-modal network through cBSMD transactions. This design instance of cBSMD is then applied to a case-study of 24hours of mobility for 3,187 travelers. The cBSMD performs with a very low latency and high throughput for this number of travelers. To showcase cBSMD data management features, socio-demographic and trip features regarding token usage and emission performance are also analyzed. Our proposed system sets the first implementation step towards the design of future user-centric and practice-ready ETS frameworks. © 2020 IEEE.

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