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Título del libro: Geotechnical Engineering In The Xxi Century: Lessons Learned And Future Challenges
Título del capítulo: Assessment of the Settlement and Horizontal Displacement of Test Embankments with Preloading, Drains, and Vacuum in the Former Texcoco Lake, Mexico

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:


Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Test embankment; lateral displacement; settlement; vacuum consolidation


In this paper, the settlement and horizontal displacement of four test embankments (TEs) built in the former Texcoco Lake are evaluated. The embankments are part of the New Mexico City International Airport (NAICM) project and were constructed to study the effects of different soil improvement techniques based on surcharge preloading with (a) sand drains and prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs), (b) PVDs and drain-to-drain vacuum pressure, and (c) PVDs, vacuum pressure, and an airtight membrane. Their behavior is compared with that of an unimproved reference embankment. The site conditions are described, and the geometric and construction characteristics of each embankment are presented. A monitoring period of 360 days after the start of construction is discussed. In addition, the degree of consolidation in each trial embankment is calculated based on in situ records from settlement plates. Finally, the effectiveness of each soil improvement technique is analyzed, and some concluding comments are provided.

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: