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Título del libro: Climate Change Research At Universities: Addressing The Mitigation And Adaptation Challenges
Título del capítulo: Study of the vulnerability of basic socialinfrastructure of the mexico's northborder for purposes of resiliencyand adaptation to the adverse effectsof climate change

Autores UNAM:
Autores externos:

Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Adaptation; Climate change; Social infrastructure


The infrastructure to deliver public services represents the backbone of global society and its development since local climate change official documentsconsider as strategic the basic social infrastructure for primary networks related to theprovision of water, energy, transport and communications. This represents a goodopportunity to approach the increasing weather-climate risks to the social infrastructureprojects. On the other hand, according to the World Bank it has decreased theamount of life loss due to natural hazards and disasters, but in contrast, each decadethe population increases, thus affecting in their belongings and the social infrastructureexposed to the danger of the climate. Related to the above and taking intoaccount the commitments and aspirations in the field of climate change in Mexico, weproposed a research project in our universities related to vulnerability of the basicsocial infrastructure of Mexico's north border, for purposes of resilience and adaptationto the adverse effects of climate change. The general project aim is to identifyand classify the basic social infrastructure at the north border States of the Countryrelated to the socio-economic and biophysical vulnerability (climate change impacts)to suggest adaptation and resilience measures. These paper aims to expose the resultsof these initiative and points out some opportunities for university students and theincorporation of the variable climate change in major projects, including the NationalInfrastructure Program that worth 600 billion dollars. © Springer International Publishing AG 2017.

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