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Título del libro: The Nexus Between Organized Crime And Terrorism: Types And Responses
Título del capítulo: Is there any nexus between terrorism and organized crime in Mexico?

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In the Mexican case, the legal terms of terrorism and organized crime are relatively recent in a historical perspective. Although there have been acts perpetrated by social agents in Mexico that could be considered as terror according to the etymological meaning of the word, and others that could be classified as organized crime according to the legislation of the United States, it is the legal codification of both notions in Mexican legislation that gives them meaning, relates them, and authorizes penalizing offenders for violating them. This text deals with the historical development of these notions, the process of codification and their relationship with certain social agents in the Mexican context. Further, this chapter also discusses US concerns about potential national security threats stemming from possible links between international terrorist organizations and Mexican transnational drug trafficking organizations. © The Editors and Contributors Severally 2022.

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