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Título del libro: The Dentate Gyrus: Structure, Functions And Health Implications
Título del capítulo: Neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus as an emotional regulator through circuits modification

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The hippocampus?s dentate gyrus is a critical structure for memory acquisition and emotional processing in the brain. This structure is unique as it is one of the areas with a higher density of excitatory neurons and contains some of the largest known axonic terminals. Those terminals form the unique synaptic structures known as thorny excrescences with the pyramidal neurons of the critical memory processing area, the third layer of the Cornu Ammonis (CA3). However, the most intriguing characteristic of the dentate gyrus is its continual addition of newborn neurons through the lifetime of most mammals, and there is substantial evidence that the same occurs in humans. The continuous addition of newborn cells confers the dentate gyrus with an extraordinary and unique source of plasticity. This feature facilitates cognitive flexibility, critical for the proper acquisition of new memories over old schemes. The failure of the dentate gyrus? unique plasticity features can be critical to understanding the etiology of depression and the continuous fear relapse characteristic of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). There is compelling evidence that depression and PTSD onset rely on the decreased hippocampus and dentate gyrus- CA3 complex, and apparently, neurogenesis can be beneficial for the treatment of those ailments. This chapter aims to explain how the dentate gyrus circuits and their neurogenesis modulation can generate interesting insights to treat psychopathologies of emotional nature. © 2021 by Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

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