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Título del libro: Spe Latin American And Caribbean Petroleum Engineering Conference Proceedings
Título del capítulo: A study of the impact of 4D-seismic data on TSVD-based schemes for history matching

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Palabras clave:

History matching; Inversion algorithm; Optimization scheme; P-wave velocity; Reservoir description; Seismic datas; Singular values; Truncated singular value decomposition; Two-phase model; Petroleum analysis; Petroleum engineering; Petroleum reservoir evaluation; Seismic waves; Seismology; Wave propagation; Singular value decomposition


We discuss a TSVD (truncated singular value decomposition) optimization scheme for history matching. We are particularly interested in studying the performance of TSVD under integration of P-wave velocity data. We compare the structure of the main singular value triplets with or without time-lapse seismics. We then analyze the impact of introducing the seismics in a synthetic two-phase model problem. We observe in our experiments a strong regularization of the inversion algorithm due to the seismics. At the same time, we obtain much better reservoir descriptions when 4D seismics is available. Copyright 2010, Society of Petroleum Engineers.

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