®®®® SIIA Público

Título del libro: Ecos 2000
Título del capítulo: Optimal design of nonisothermal flat-plate solar collectors based on minimum entropy generation method

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Entropy; Mathematical models; Optimization; Solar energy; Solar heating; Thermoanalysis; Air heating; Entropy generation number; Mass flow number; Solar air heater; Solar to thermal energy conversion; Thermoeconomic analysis; Thermoeconomic model; Solar collectors


A thermoeconomic analysis based on Second Law is presented. It combines the annualized total cost (investment, installation and operating costs) with entropy generation during the collection and thermal use of solar energy. This thermoeconomic model is developed to determine the annualized total cost for air heating in a solar air heater by means of dimensionless parameters like the Entropy Generation Number and the Mass Flow Number. With these dimensionless groups, a set of relations between optimum operation variables, physical characteristics and properties of construction materials of the heater, are established. The function incorporates the cost and quality of the product, the cost by solar-to-thermal energy conversion, and also considers the thermal energy quality through the Second Law Efficiency.

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