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Título del libro: China-Latin America And The Caribbean: Assessment And Outlook
Título del capítulo: Latin America?s current socioeconomic relationship with China: Conditions and challenges. the case for China?s overseas foreign direct investment in Latin America

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The analysis on the current LAC-China relationship focuses on the ?globalization process with Chinese characteristics? since 2013 and the United States? response to this challenge, under the heading of ?great power competition? and specific initiatives and policies vis-á-vis China and LAC. The first section invites to improve the quality of the LAC-China analysis based on a thematic distinction of this relationship, also integrating explicitly the respective existing research and proposals. The second part emphasizes the specific topic of China?s overseas foreign direct investments (OFDI) in LAC during 2000-2018 by country, sector, property of the Chinese firm, and by firm, among others. While it is true that there is still a need and demand for deepening research on the specific issue of China?s OFDI in LAC, it is also true that recent on-going research has improved substantially in LAC and China. In addition to the conclusions, the chapter invites interested persons and institutions on the topic to explicitly integrate to these international efforts from a ?new triangular relationship? perspective. © 2021 selection and editorial matter, Thierry Kellner and Sophie Wintgens; individual chapters, the contributors.

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