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Título del libro: Prints As Agents Of Global Exchange, 1500-1800
Título del capítulo: Hidden Resemblances: Re-contextualized and Re-framed : Diego de Valades' Cross Cultural Exchange

Autores UNAM:
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Año de publicación:
Palabras clave:

Imitatio; style; primitive Church; calendar wheels; missionaries; New Spain


The Rhetorica Christiana by Franciscan missionary and humanist Diego Valades (Perugia, 1579) is notable for its engravings and the method used, ars memorativa, to convert Indigenous people to Catholicism. This collaboration centers on two engravings. It contends that their style reflects the process of imitatio: the practice of copying iconographic elements (delineare) from models to reconfigure them in a new composition (inventio), and sheds light on the Humanist learning methods Valades was trained under. While portraying Indigenous culture adapted to Catholic education to promote Franciscan methods of conversion in New Spain, he developed his own style (maniera), concurrent with the concepts he wanted to express, the restitution of missionary values belonging to the primitive church and the applicability of aspects of Indigenous knowledge (timekeeping).

Entidades citadas de la UNAM: